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الثلاثاء، 17 يوليو 2012

Doctor: Messi will peak starting from next season

Despite the success of the player to break many records

His doctor Argentine Fernando Sceniorini believed that the star Lionel Messi will reach the peak of its development in the season 2012-2013, and it would be after the "best ever".
It is believed the doctor's former club Albaselisti, who worked with former star Diego Maradona before the World Cup 1986 and was a member of a team of Argentine Maradona took his training between the years 2008 and 2010, that Messi will be starting from next season, the peak of his game.
Although the star of Barcelona won numerous titles and records and awards, including a Golden Globe for three consecutive years, but stresses that Sceniorini Messi, 25-year-old did not start after the perfect stage.
The news magazine "Sport" for Sceniorini saying, "Liu will reach a peak level this year, starting from this season. Regardless of what you have achieved, will now begin a personal history. His best is yet to come."
He added, "To date, all he did was the result of intuition and his desire to play. But from now will enter the equation is also an element of preparation. Options will not be based solely on his instincts, but also on the knowledge and experience."
He continued, "will enter a new phase of his game. Impossible to say where its borders are, and what can be achieved by a mystery. Players like him very rare."
Messi scored 73 goals in all competitions for Barcelona in the season 2011-2012, including 50 goals in La Liga, a record give him the title of the "Baishechi."

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